Professions often found amongst the Van Schelven family

Miller (Molenaar)

Mill "den Haas", Zierikzee, from the south side (Bolwerk)

Especially corn mils (water mills would be another option), with as their most prominent representatives the millers of Den Haas in Zierikzee and the millers of De Schelvenaer (originally "Onverwacht") in Krimpen aan den IJssel. Other known mills once manned by Van Schelvens are those of Biert, Gouda, Alblasserdam, Haamstede, Dubbeldam and Haamstede.

Skipper (Binnenschipper = inland skipper)

Barge as used on inland waterways

Skipper on a barge, used for inland waterways (landvaarder = land sailor), as opposed to a sea sailor who takes on the seven seas. More specifically the route Dordrecht - Amsterdam and maybe Alkmaar.

Doctor (Arts)

Prof. Tulp's Anatomical lesson by Rembrandt

And all closely related professions like surgeon (chirurgijn), executioner(!), pharmacist, physiotherapist, cardiologist and radiologist.

Referend/Preacher (Predikant)

Durch Reformed Church interior

As far as I can tell only from the protestant side, even more specifically Dutch Reformed. It seems in the front lines of the "Doleantie" (a splintering process of the reformation). Mentioned "with pride" in the book about the descendants of the Dolerenden.

Professor (Hoogleraar)

Prof. Einstein look-alike

Teacher, educator (docent, schoolmeester). Maybe in the same league as the preacher?

What strikes my eye is the "solitarity" of the professions. You perform by yourself and you are responsible for your own results. Is that what we are good at? Do we prefer those conditions? Are we "lone rangers" and less well suited for team play? Are we having trouble in making concessions?

Less frequent professions signaled, but equally solitary:
- Carpenter, housepainter
- IJkmeester
- Interim manager